
Bozdag concrete plants are designed and manufactured considering that their heavy working conditions and long service life.
Aggregate to be used in concrete production is stocked in aggregate bunkers with 3, 4, 5, 6 aggregate compartments depending on the kind of the aggregate. The capacity of the aggregate bunker may vary from 60 m3 to 400 m3. NPI 200 or its substitute H profile is used for load carrying chassis and supports.
General Specifications
The compartment, in other saying box, at the bottom of the aggregate bunker provides material flow to weighing hopper and is made from St 37 6 mm sheet.
Deck sheet is preferred as bunker partition with regards to its strength and aesthetic. The bunker bottom outlet, which is made from wear resistant sheet, has collapsible aggregate discharge covers driven pneumatically. These discharge covers synchronise with the automation system.